
Real People Brewery Good Times

Packaging Web Design


Beer, we love it. Ask us to create a new beer brand and we’ll go on a near year long journey to bring you what is now Santa Cruz. As the beer is brewed and bottled in Spain, we wanted to create something that was fun, vibrant and resonated with the Australian market but also brought through spanish elements. 

We collaborated with High Sprits to create a can and stubby design that was unique, stood out from the fridge shelves and ensure that it looked as good as what the beer tasted!


Beer, we love it. Ask us to create a new beer brand and we’ll go on a near year long journey to bring you what is now Santa Cruz. As the beer is brewed and bottled in Spain, we wanted to create something that was fun, vibrant and resonated with the Australian market but also brought through spanish elements. 

We collaborated with High Sprits to create a can and stubby design that was unique, stood out from the fridge shelves and ensure that it looked as good as what the beer tasted!